• No:134 - Chehelsotoon street - Imam khomeini street - Isfahan

About our company

Baran Gostar Sepahan Machinery Company, using experienced and capable personnel, carries out its activities in the field of designing and manufacturing various types of light and heavy equipment, precision metal and non-metal parts according to the latest international standards, as well as repairing industrial equipment and sensitive parts. In line with modern science and the increasing needs of industries in the country has expanded and expanded. In 1392, with the extensive efforts of experts, it was honored to design and manufacture some items for the first time in the country, and also to manufacture some products in reverse engineering, and we can boldly say that this production group is the only capable production group equipped for Repairs and maintenance of mineral concentration lines, especially lead, zinc and copper in the country, which has done all these steps by relying on God Almighty, capabilities and experience of capable engineers in the country and reducing costs while delivering products and services With lower prices, companies have been able to prevent a significant outflow of currency from the country annually, and in the near future, relying on God Almighty and considering the existing potentials, it will become one of the exemplary and innovative exporters of the country. To take a step for the growth and development of industry in the country and to provide services to companies and large manufacturing enterprises

History of company


establishing company

Engineer Jalal Dehghani, who has been working in the copper industry for many years, entered the field of production with the aim of meeting part of the needs of the mining processing industry

The first success

With the extensive efforts of experts, it is proud to design and manufacture some items for the first time in the country, and also to manufacture some products in reverse engineering, and it can be boldly said that this production group is the only capable production group equipped and equipped for repairs and maintenance. Concentration lines of minerals and especially lead, zinc and copper in the country

Entering international markets

Installation of equipment in Hakkari province of Turkey

Company development

Design and production of new products

Company team

Eng. Jalal Dehghani


Successful experiences in building devices with longer life and better performance than the devices on the market were my best motivators

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